Sunday, December 15, 2019

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»Malchow's Tech Bytes~ Dec 16th πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ„

Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful and relaxing break! To those that celebrate, have a very Merry Christmas! 
No Tech Bytes next week~ See you in January!
Click image above to access clickable links
meowy christmas

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Malchow's Tech BytesπŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»~ December 9th πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ„πŸ¦Œ

'Tis the season... with a late Thanksgiving this year the holidays are truly just around the corner. This week's Tech Bytes has several ideas and activities for you to enjoy and get a jump start on getting ready since we only have 2 weeks before many of us are on holiday break.

Don't forget, this week is πŸ’» Computer Science Education Week! Be sure to take a peek at last week's Tech Bytes for Hour of Code resources!

Click image above to access the hyperlinks

Bitmoji Image

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Epic Pals December πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ„

The December EpicPals collections are ready and waiting for you. 
(Please see important note below re: student posts)

Are you new to EpicPals? If so, head over to the #EpicPals page at the top of the blog for additional information to get you started!


** Important Information re: Student Posts **
PLEASE have conversations with your students on what makes a good post and how to be a good digital citizen when working online. We had several issues last month of students leaving inappropriate content in their posts.  If you come across inappropriate content, please feel free to reach out to Bobbi or I to review/remove the content. Although we do moderate, we do miss things as we are not on the boards every day. You can find several resources to help you with these conversations on this previous blog post.

As always, please encourage your students to read others' posts and if they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note or leave a comment if comments are turned on. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Bobbi or myself. You can find both of us on Twitter- @smalchow (primary boards) and @bhopteacher (intermediate boards)

Monday, December 2, 2019

Malchow's Tech Bytes πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»~ December 2nd~ Hour of Code Edition β°πŸ“±

Sorry for the late arrival of this week's newsletter. Our most recent snowstorm here in WI messed with my internet and made if difficult if not impossible to upload files last night so I'm playing catch up tonight with my newsletter and EpicPals. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

This week's Tech Bytes has resources for next week's Hour of Code/Computer Science Week. I hope by having these resources a week in advance will give you a chance to investigate and plan something for your students!
Click image to access clickable links

Monday, November 4, 2019

Malchow's Tech Bytes πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»~ November 4th

Are your parent teacher conferences coming up? Looking for a way to have your students reflect and/or share their voice with their parents? Be sure to check out the Flipgrid ideas in this week's newsletter. 
Specialists, we all know that not all parents head our way during conference nights, so these ideas may be a wonderful way to have your students share with their parents! Be sure to take a look!
Click the image above to access 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

EpicPals November

Click the link below to access this month's Google Doc of selections

The November EpicPals primary and intermediate collections are ready and waiting for you. 

Are you new to EpicPals? If so, head over to the #EpicPals page at the top of the blog for additional information to get you started!

Bobbi and I are excited to be bringing you #EpicPals for a
5th straight year!
We'll continue to offer you a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts each month which can be read on Epic along with a coordinating Padlet board for each book!

As always, please encourage your students to read others' posts and if they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note or leave a comment if comments are turned on. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

We encourage you to have conversations with your students on what constitutes a good post and how to be a good digital citizen when working online. You can find several resources to help you with these conversations on this previous blog post

Flipgrid Integration~  Stay tuned... I'm hoping to bring Flipgrid back to EpicPals primary this year as several of the upgradesI believe will make this possible once again. Yay!!

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Bobbi or myself. You can find both of us on Twitter- @smalchow (primary boards) and @bhopteacher (intermediate boards)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’» Malchow's Tech Bytes~ October 21st!~ 🍁Fall / HalloweenπŸŽƒ Edition

The weather is changing here in Wisconsin and the days are getting cooler! Yahoo!!! I love this time of year and the color changes that take place, especially the Sugar Maple trees! Absolutely stunning!

This week's Tech Bytes has several resources that you may find helpful as we venture into this new season. 
Click image to access clickable links

Bitmoji Image

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Malchow's Tech Bytes πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»~ October 14th βš™οΈπŸŽƒ

Global Collaboration is something I am passionate about! It is amazing what our students can learn when you bring the outside world into your classroom- whether that be guest experts or learning from other students! Check out Michelle Flicek's new monthly global collab STEM project. It looks like an amazing opportunity for multiple grade levels! 

Apple Classroom is a phenomenal tool for helping with work flow and to monitor student behaviors but have you thought to use it for formative assessments? Take a peek at the amazing resource from Jodie Deinhammer in today's Tech Bytes to find out more!

Great idea

Sunday, October 6, 2019

4 Seesaw activities in 1 for πŸš’ Fire Prevention Week!

Being a firefighter's wife, Fire Prevention Week is near and dear to my heart. I created a 4 page Seesaw Mulitpage Activity to help your students reflect on their learning this week. 

The first 3 pages are all drag and drop activities ~ labeling a firefighter, labeling a firetruck, and sliding labels to show what you should/shouldn't do if you see smoke/fire. The last page asks children to draw and share a fire safety tip using the new creative tools. 

You can find this activity on my author page in the Seesaw library or click on this link

Malchow's Tech Bytes~ Oct 7th πŸš’

Hard to believe it's October already~ WOW! Fire Prevention Week is this week. Check out a variety of resources below and if you're a Seesaw user, be sure to check out the activity library for other Fire Safety activities to enrich your curriculum!
Malchow's Tech Bytes~ October 7th

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fall into Epic Pals October πŸŽƒ

The October EpicPals primary and intermediate collections are ready and waiting for you. 

Are you new to EpicPals? If so, head over to the #EpicPals page at the top of the blog for additional information to get you started!

Bobbi and I are excited to be bringing you #EpicPals for a
5th straight year!
We'll continue to offer you a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts each month which can be read on Epic along with a coordinating Padlet board for each book!

As always, please encourage your students to read others' posts and if they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note or leave a comment if comments are turned on. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

We encourage you to have conversations with your students on what constitutes a good post and how to be a good digital citizen when working online. You can find several resources to help you with these conversations on this previous blog post

Flipgrid Integration~  Stay tuned... I'm hoping to bring Flipgrid back to EpicPals primary this year as several of the upgradesI believe will make this possible once again. Yay!!

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Bobbi or myself. You can find both of us on Twitter- @smalchow (primary boards) and @bhopteacher (intermediate boards)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Malchow's Tech BytesπŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»~ Sept 30th

Looking to collaborate with others beyond the four wall of your classroom? Check out the Global Read Aloud and the #mtgr1 Twitter slow chat!

Malchow's Tech Bytes ~ Sept 30th - Click the image above to access the clickable resources

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Malchow's Tech Bytes πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»~ Sept 23rd (Global Read Aloud Edition) πŸŒŽπŸ“š

This week's edition of Malchow's Tech Bytes has a variety of resources for your to investigate if you will be participating in The Global Read Aloud (#GRA19). 
πŸ”— Click the image above to access the hyperlinked resources. πŸ”—

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Malchow's Tech Bytes~ Sept 16th (ish) πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»

A variety of great resources to enhance your Dot Day celebration this week! Everything from a video of the story to a Seesaw activity to a great BreakoutEdu game.... and more!!!
** Click the image to access the clickable links **

Sunday, September 8, 2019

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»Malchow's Tech Bytes ~ Sept 9th πŸ“±

For those that have been waiting patiently for EpicPals to start back up.... wait no longer. September's boards are now live and linked in this week's newsletter. 
 Click image to access this week's Tech Bytes
 Click image to access this week's Tech Bytes

Saturday, September 7, 2019

EpicPals Returns for a 5th straight year!

Our Back to School, September EpicPals primary and intermediate collections are ready and waiting for you. 

Are you new to EpicPals? If so, head over to the #EpicPals page at the top of the blog for additional information to get you started!

Bobbi and I are excited to be bringing you #EpicPals for a
5th straight year!
We'll continue to offer you a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts each month which can be read on Epic along with a coordinating Padlet board for each book!

As always, please encourage your students to read others' posts and if they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note or leave a comment if comments are turned on. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

We encourage you to have conversations with your students on what constitutes a good post and how to be a good digital citizen when working online. You can find several resources to help you with these conversations on this previous blog post

Flipgrid Integration~  Stay tuned... I'm hoping to bring Flipgrid back to EpicPals primary this year as several of the upgradesI believe will make this possible once again. Yay!!

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Bobbi or myself. You can find both of us on Twitter- @smalchow (primary boards) and @bhopteacher (intermediate boards)

Monday, September 2, 2019

Malchow's Tech Bytes~ Sept 2nd, 2019 πŸŽ‰πŸ“±πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»

Welcome back to another great year of tips, tricks, resources and integration ideas! I hope that you'll find this year's Tech Bytes weekly newsletter valuable as you look for meaningful integration ideas for your classroom! Click the link below the image to access the file.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me!
~Sara (@smalchow)

Malchow's Tech Bytes!~ Sept 2nd 

Interested in having Tech Bytes delivered to your inbox each week? Sign up below.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

DIY Truffula Trees

Oh, how I love summer and the extra time I have to be crafty and create things for the school year. 

I've wanted to jazz up our library space for Dr. Seuss' birthday for the past couple of years, but it always sneaks up on me and I run out of time. Not this year, I'm planning ahead and creating my Truffula trees now so I'll be prepared. 

If you're interested, here's how I made mine.

To make the trunks...
Cut pieces of black Duck tape and wrap around the pool noodle. 
Tip: Don't add the last stripe of Duck tape until after you attach the pom pom

I left some of my trunks as a full-sized pool noodles and cut others in half to create different sizes.

 To make the pom poms...
The EZ PZ way~ purchase premade, 12" diameter tissue pompons from The Dollar Store. These are a bit smaller and look nice on a half-sized pool noodle. The purple and red trees in the picture below are made with the store bought pom poms.

To make your own~ purchase colored tissue paper and follow these directions from Martha

The large pink tree in the picture below is a DIY pom pom. I used the tissue paper sheets exactly as they come from the Dollar Store (20 x 20" sheets) and used 10 sheets to create each tree top.

How to attach your pom pom to your Truffula trunk

And here's the finished product~
I love how these turned out and they didn't take all that long to make. I personally like the way the DIY pom poms turned out as they are fuller looking and seem to lay and fluff nicer.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Malchow's Tech Bytes πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»~ End of the Year

As we send our students off, many parents ask for ideas on things that their child can do. With that in mind, this week's Tech Bytes offers something a little different.....
How about offering your students a variety of coding activities, sites, and resources that your students can access over the summer months? The link image below will take you to the normal Tech Bytes slidedeck where I've also included a pdf file of this page that you can download and then easily share with parents via Seesaw or email. All links are hyperlinked for parents and in PDF format they will still work. 

 Final Tech Bytes of the year
This is the last Tech Bytes of the 2018-19 school year. 
Bitmoji Image

Monday, May 20, 2019

Malchow's Tech Bytes πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»~ May 20th β˜€οΈβ›±

Gearing up for the end of the year? You'll find a great Flipgrid idea to implement as well as a summer PD opportunity.
Malchow's Tech Bytes ~ May 20th

You can access all slides at

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Bloomin' with EpicPals May!

Click the image above to access this month's EpicPals document. 

Are you new to EpicPals? If so, head over to the #EpicPals page at the top of the blog for additional information to get you started!

Bobbi and I are excited to be bringing you #EpicPals for a 4th straight year! We'll continue to offer you a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts each month which can be read on Epic along with a coordinating Padlet board for each book!

 Padlet has some phenomenal updates which allows you to draw, take pictures, leave an audio or video post right in the app or online by simply clicking the 3 vertical dots on the sticky note!  Each of our boards has a reminder of this posted for students to refer to. We encourage you to share one or several of these new upgrades with your students to allow them to take more ownership of their posts. 

As always, encourage your students to read others' posts and if they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note or leave a comment if comments are turned on. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

We encourage you to have conversations with your students on what constitutes a good post and how to be a good digital citizen when working online. You can find several resources to help you with these conversations on this previous blog post

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Bobbi or myself. You can find both of us on Twitter- @smalchow (primary boards) and @bhopteacher (intermediate boards)

Monday, April 1, 2019

Go Global with April's EpicPals πŸŒβ™»οΈ

Click the image above to access the March 2019 EpicPals document

Are you new to EpicPals? If so, head over to the #EpicPals page at the top of the blog for additional information to get you started!

Bobbi and I are excited to be bringing you #EpicPals for a 4th straight year! We'll continue to offer you a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts each month which can be read on Epic along with a coordinating Padlet board for each book!

 Padlet has some phenomenal updates which allows you to draw, take pictures, leave an audio or video post right in the app or online by simply clicking the 3 vertical dots on the sticky note!  Each of our boards has a reminder of this posted for students to refer to. We encourage you to share one or several of these new upgrades with your students to allow them to take more ownership of their posts. 

As always, encourage your students to read others' posts and if they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note or leave a comment if comments are turned on. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

We encourage you to have conversations with your students on what constitutes a good post and how to be a good digital citizen when working online. You can find several resources to help you with these conversations on this previous blog post

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Bobbi or myself. You can find both of us on Twitter- @smalchow (primary boards) and @bhopteacher (intermediate boards)

Saturday, March 30, 2019

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’» Malchow's Tech Bytes~ March 31st

Spring Break is over and it was an amazing week. We took a quick road trip out to Colorado with the boys to go skiing. We left at noon on Saturday, drove 18 hours straight to get to Colorado, got to the ski hill on Sunday morning and skied all day, crashed that night at the hotel, skied again all day Monday and Tuesday and then headed back home. The weather was gorgeous and the sun was shining all day on Monday, which unfortunately led to a very burnt nose and cheeks. Lesson learned- bring sunscreen!

Now it's time to hunker down and finish out the year strong. This week's newsletter has some math resources as well as a great, yet super simple, way to engage your students as you head back~ the#EggDashChallenge. Your students will love the excitement that the challenge will bring to your room!! This can be modified to any theme you want, you simply need to be able to put review questions, math problems, etc in some sort of container (plastic test tubes, brown paper bags, plastic treasure chests, you name it!) I hope that you'll give it a try!!
Malchow's Tech Bytes~ March 31st

Monday, March 18, 2019

Malchow's Tech Bytes~ March 18th πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»

Hi all!
Sorry for the missed newsletter last week. I was not feeling well and there were a few family things going on that took over all of my extra time
3rd-5th grade teachers~ I hope you'll enjoy this week's edition as there are a variety of great information resources for your students. If you're not from Wisconsin, I still encourage you to take a peek, especially the WI biographies resource!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

St. Patrick's Day Graphing Project πŸ€πŸŒˆ

St. Patrick's Day is just around and I couldn't be more excited.This is one of my favorite holidays (I'm a wee bit Scotch-Irish!) and there were always a few shenanigans going on in my classroom this time of year... those gosh darn leprechauns, always causing trouble thinking that I had stole some of their gold. πŸ˜‰β˜˜οΈπŸŒˆ

If you haven't already heard about the St. Patrick's Day Lucky Charms Global Graphing Project (yikes, that was a mouthful) I encourage you to jump over t to find out more! This was always one of my favorite activities to do with my first graders!

This project is a great way to engage your learners while also covering a wide variety of math concepts including: counting, sorting and graphing. You'll also have the opportunity to connect with other classes through Flilpgrid a collaborative Google slide deck, or even by connecting in real-time through  Google Hangout or Skype if you choose. 

If you are a K-3 teacher, I HIGHLY encourage you to sign up and give it a try!
Registration is now open and will be open until March 14th!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Wee Bit 'o Fun with Epic Pals πŸ€

Are you new to EpicPals? If so, head over to the #EpicPals page at the top of the blog for additional information to get you started!

Bobbi and I are excited to be bringing you #EpicPals for a 4th straight year! We'll continue to offer you a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts each month which can be read on Epic along with a coordinating Padlet board for each book!

 Padlet has some phenomenal updates which allows you to draw, take pictures, leave an audio or video post right in the app or online by simply clicking the 3 vertical dots on the sticky note!  Each of our boards has a reminder of this posted for students to refer to. We encourage you to share one or several of these new upgrades with your students to allow them to take more ownership of their posts. 

As always, encourage your students to read others' posts and if they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note or leave a comment if comments are turned on. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

We encourage you to have conversations with your students on what constitutes a good post and how to be a good digital citizen when working online. You can find several resources to help you with these conversations on this previous blog post

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Bobbi or myself. You can find both of us on Twitter- @smalchow (primary boards) and @bhopteacher (intermediate boards)