Apple Core is an optional instructional technology program that focuses on expanding skills in the 4C’s and integration into all content areas.

Apple Core trainings are offered in the Fall through Spring with session formats that include in-person, virtual, self-paced, and personalized options. The sessions are designed, taught, and facilitated by a team of in-district staff members who are passionate about innovative teaching practices, technology fluency and collaboration. More information will be provided on the program and sessions will be released in Frontline when we return to school in the Fall.
- offered after school in various buildings around the district
- start at either 3:30 or 4:15
- are 1, 3, or 6 hours in length (see graphic below for differences between class lengths)
For participation in Apple Core, professionals can earn one or both district incentives below:
Option 1: Attend a minimum of 3 hours of sessions to earn a personal day.
⚠️ Note: You are earning the ability to use 1 of your sick days for a personal day in addition to the 2 personal days currently available. You will not be earning an additional day off.
Option 2: Attend a minimum of 6 hours of sessions to comp the annual technology PD day.
Option 3: Complete 9 hours to qualify for both of the above incentives.
After you have completed enough hours to earn your incentive(s), document your attendance using the Apple Core Technology Training Log.
** You will find this form on the Employee Quick Links area of the district website.
You will need to include:
- the titles of the sessions you attended
- hours attended
- a reflection of learning and session evaluations