Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Wee Bit 'o Fun with Epic Pals 🍀

Are you new to EpicPals? If so, head over to the #EpicPals page at the top of the blog for additional information to get you started!

Bobbi and I are excited to be bringing you #EpicPals for a 4th straight year! We'll continue to offer you a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts each month which can be read on Epic along with a coordinating Padlet board for each book!

 Padlet has some phenomenal updates which allows you to draw, take pictures, leave an audio or video post right in the app or online by simply clicking the 3 vertical dots on the sticky note!  Each of our boards has a reminder of this posted for students to refer to. We encourage you to share one or several of these new upgrades with your students to allow them to take more ownership of their posts. 

As always, encourage your students to read others' posts and if they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note or leave a comment if comments are turned on. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

We encourage you to have conversations with your students on what constitutes a good post and how to be a good digital citizen when working online. You can find several resources to help you with these conversations on this previous blog post

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Bobbi or myself. You can find both of us on Twitter- @smalchow (primary boards) and @bhopteacher (intermediate boards)

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