We've been researching penguins in our class this past week. As part of our research we used the Popplet lite app to record what we know about penguins. Students went to the Pics 4 Learning site that I mentioned here to choose a picture of a penguin to use as the center of their web. They then listed penguin facts around their pictures. The lite app only allows you to do one Popple at a time so once kiddos are done, they simply screen shot their Popple and then we are good to go again. This can sometimes be a bit of an inconvenience when kiddos don't finish in one sitting and others are waiting to do their Popple. The Popplet app solves this problem as you can create, save, and come back to Popples as needed. You can even export as pdf and jpegs. The downfall, the full version costs $4.99. On a school budget, the cost outweighs the convenience- so we deal with having to take screen shots. The app itself is very easy to use and my kiddos have gotten better and faster at creating their Popples. I even have kiddos asking if they can use it during indoor recess.
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