Saturday, January 25, 2014
DoodlecastPro and Writing
This week during our writing time we have been working on writing informational pieces. We read a book about coyotes and took notes as we went. After collecting and sorting out our notes, kiddos chose three facts that they found most interesting. They then took their facts and wrote an informational paragraph with a topic sentence, 3 details (facts) and a conclusion sentence.
When we were done, students used the site, Pics4learning.com to find a picture of a coyote which they then uploaded to the DoodlecastPro app. Once this was done, they voice recorded themselves reading their informational piece and shared it with their parents. I am hoping to do a lot more with students recording their writing when they are done as it was extremely motivating for them and was a wonderful way for us to share with our parents. In addition, it gives us an opportunity to go back and reflect on where we started and how far we have come with our writing, reading, and technology skills over the course of the year.

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Hi Sarah - I just came across this from your Tweet. I was wondering if your kids blog, and if so with Blogger? We have an app that would very easily allow them to upload the Doodle Cast Pro videos to their blogs. We currently have KG kids doing it. Please email me if you would like a promo code to try it out. phil@theEasyAppCompany.com