Sunday, November 28, 2021

EpicPals~ December

December's EpicPals boards are open and ready to go! Click on the EpicPals tab above to access the links!

This year's EpicPals will run the same as it has in the past with just a few small tweaks. This year, just like last, all posts will be moderated for student safety. Please see information below about posting. The titles chosen for each month will be appropriate for 1st through 3rd graders depending upon their reading ability and will always include at least one read-to-me book so everyone in your class will be able to participate successfully on some level. Like last year, I will also create a Bitmoji classroom with links to the books and the coordinating Padlet boards. You can read more about this on the EpicPals page of the blog.

** Important Information re: Student Posts ~ Please read **

Teachers, please chat with your students about posting responsibly. Please know that ALL posts are moderated. This means your students will not see their posts until I have approved them. Please also know that posts with inappropriate language, .gifs, and links will be deleted.

As always, please encourage your students to read and learn from other students' posts. If they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

This month's EpicPals board and bitmoji classroom are now posted on the EpicPals tab. Click here to access these downloads.

Malchow's Tech BytesπŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’» ~ Nov 29th


Click image above to view larger format with clickable links

Saturday, November 6, 2021

FALLing back into another year of EpicPals! πŸπŸ“š


Happy Fall Y'all!! Ready for another Epic year of EpicPals?

For those that have used EpicPals in the past, WELCOME BACK! So sorry for the delayed start this year! Things in my neck of the woods have been crazy busy as I started in a new building this year and have been playing catch up for a few months already in addition to puppy training, football games, being sick the whole month of September and general mom craziness and taxi service. To those that are new and checking out EpicPals for the first time, Welcome! I'm so glad to have you join us and hope that you and your students will find EpicPals to be a fun and engaging way to read and respond to a variety of literature! 

Just as in year's past, you will find each month's EpicPals board and bitmoji classroom link posted on the #EpicPals page of the blog. I'll also post a reminder post on the main page of the blog and send out a tweet using the #EpicPals hashtag.

This year's EpicPals will run the same as it has in the past with just a few small tweaks. This year, just like last, all posts will be moderated for student safety. Please see information below about posting. The titles chosen for each month will be appropriate for 1st through 3rd graders depending upon their reading ability and will always include at least one read-to-me book so everyone in your class will be able to participate successfully on some level. Like last year, I will also create a Bitmoji classroom with links to the books and coordinating Padlet boards. You can read more about this on the EpicPals page of the blog.

** Important Information re: Student Posts ~ Please read **

Teachers, please chat with your students about posting responsibly. Please know that ALL posts are moderated. This means your students will not see their posts until I have approved them. Please also know that posts with inappropriate language, .gifs, and links will be deleted.

As always, please encourage your students to read and learn from other students' posts. If they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

This month's EpicPals board and bitmoji classroom are now posted on the EpicPals tab. Click here to access these downloads.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

😎Summer & Ongoing Professional Development Opportunities 2021 😎

Looking to take your professional knowledge up a notch? What better time than over the summer months, sipping umbrella drinks by the pool and catching some rays! Check out the variety of options below. There's something for everyone! 


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Epic Pals-May


β¬‡οΈŽ Scroll down to access this month's Google Doc and Bitmoji classroom β¬‡οΈŽ

*~ N E W ~*        *~N E W ~*        *~ N E W ~*

I'm always working to try and improve EpicPals and to make things as easy as possible for our youngest learners (and you as the teacher). After a recommendation from an EpicPals teacher, I've made a small tweak to the Bitmoji classroom which will simplify things for classrooms utilizing Epic Books on the web. 

When your students access the Bitmoji classroom they can now click on the book cover to access the book directly on Epic. I've also added a Padlet icon that will take students to the coordinating Padlet board. 
Please Note: If your students utilize the Epic app, you will still need to assign the collection located on the bottom of the Google doc as the direct link will not work. 

As always, you'll find the link to the Bitmoji classroom on the bottom of the EpicPals Google Doc and on the #EpicPals page on the blog! Simply share the link with your students in Seesaw, Google Classroom or in an email. The Bitmoji classroom will open on the web full screen and without ads!

This month's EpicPals board and Bitmoji Classroom are now posted on the EpicPals tab! Click here to access these downloads

This year's EpicPals will run the same as it has in the past with just a few small tweaks. This year, just like last, all posts will be moderated for student safety. Please see information below about posting. The other change this year is that there will only be one #EpicPals document created each month with 6 titles each month. The titles chosen each month will be appropriate for 1st through 3rd graders depending upon their reading ability and will always include at one or two read-to-me books so that everyone in your class can participate successfully on some level. I'm also working to incorporate English and Spanish titles when I can.  You'll also find the Epic collection linked at the bottom of the Google Doc. I hope this will make getting the collection out to our students easier.  
Happy Reading Everyone!!!

** Important Information re: Student Posts ~ Please read **

Teachers, please chat with your students about posting responsibly. Please know that ALL posts are moderated. This means your students will not see their posts until I have approved them. Please also know that posts with inappropriate language, .gifs, and links will be deleted.

As always, please encourage your students to read and learn from other students' posts. If they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

EpicPals April


β¬‡οΈŽ Scroll down to access this month's Google Doc and Bitmoji classroom β¬‡οΈŽ

*~ N E W ~*        *~N E W ~*        *~ N E W ~*

In an effort to try and keep things simple (and fun!) for our youngest learners, especially in a time when so many of us are teaching virtually, I've created a Bitmoji classroom that will link your students to the Padlet boards by simply clicking on the book cover. You'll find the link to this new feature on the bottom of the EpicPals Google Doc and on the #EpicPals page on the blog! Simply share the link with your students in Seesaw, Google Classroom or in an email and it will open on the web (full screen and without ads)!

This month's EpicPals board and Bitmoji Classroom are now posted on the EpicPals tab! Click here to access these downloads

This year's EpicPals will run the same as it has in the past with just a few small tweaks. This year, just like last, all posts will be moderated for student safety. Please see information below about posting. The other change this year is that there will only be one #EpicPals document created each month with 6 titles each month. The titles chosen each month will be appropriate for 1st through 3rd graders depending upon their reading ability and will always include at one or two read-to-me books so that everyone in your class can participate successfully on some level. I'm also working to incorporate English and Spanish titles when I can.  You'll also find the Epic collection linked at the bottom of the Google Doc. I hope this will make getting the collection out to our students easier.  
Happy Reading Everyone!!!

** Important Information re: Student Posts ~ Please read **

Teachers, please chat with your students about posting responsibly. Please know that ALL posts are moderated. This means your students will not see their posts until I have approved them. Please also know that posts with inappropriate language, .gifs, and links will be deleted.

As always, please encourage your students to read and learn from other students' posts. If they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Malchow's Tech Bytes ~ March 8th ☘️

 Hi all! I'm excited to share that my weekly Tech Bytes is back up and running!  Thank you for being patient as I took some time away due to my dad's illness. My dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in late October and mid-January we found out that continued treatment was no longer an option. With that news, my siblings and I rallied together to help take care of my dad for whatever time he had left. Unfortunately, from the time we found out until the time of his passing was less than a week. It's been a rough few months of many ups and downs as we are all learning to live in this new normal of dad not being around and helping mom to navigate unchartered territory. There has been a lot of soul searching and reflecting on the importance of family and work/life balance over the past couple of months and while my intent is not to write a novel or get too preachy, I will simply say, that life is too short... enjoy all of the moments you have with your loved ones.

With that said, I am working to get back in the swing of things and to keep the weekly newsletter and monthly EpicPals projects running. Thank you so much for sticking with my through this difficult time and for helping me to get through this time with your continued support, emails, texts and kindness! It has been soooo much appreciated!!! 

Click image above to view larger and access the links

☘️ St. Patrick's Day Project registration NOW OPEN ☘️

 St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner and I couldn't be more excited. This is one of my favorite holidays; I'm just a wee bit Scotch-Irish! I couldn't resist creating a few shenanigans in my classroom this time of year... those gosh darn leprechauns, always causing trouble thinking that I had stolen some of their gold. πŸ˜‰β˜˜οΈπŸŒˆ

The annual St. Patrick's Day Global Graphing Project is up and running! Covid took the fun out of 2020's project, but we're back and ready to provide your class with a wee bit of fun in '21!  I encourage you to jump over t to find out more! This was always one of my favorite activities to do with my first graders!

This project is a great way to engage your learners while also covering a wide variety of standards including: counting, sorting, graphing, analyzing data and more! Opportunities also exist to connect with other classes through Flipgrid, a collaborative Google slide deck, or even by connecting in real-time through  Google Meet or Skype IF YOU CHOOSE

If you are a K-3 teacher, I HIGHLY encourage you to sign up and give it a try!

☘️ Registration is open and will be open until Sunday, March 14th! ☘️

Monday, March 1, 2021

A Wee Bit 'O Fun with #EpicPals

β¬‡οΈŽ Scroll down to access this month's Google Doc and Bitmoji classroom β¬‡οΈŽ

*~ N E W ~*        *~N E W ~*        *~ N E W ~*

In an effort to try and keep things simple(and fun!) for our youngest learners, especially in a time when so many of us are teaching virtually, I've created a Bitmoji classroom that will link your students to the Padlet boards by simply clicking on the book cover. You'll find the link to this new feature on the bottom of the EpicPals Google Doc and on the #EpicPals page on the blog! Simply share the link with your students in Seesaw, Google Classroom or in an email and it will open on the web (full screen and without ads)!

This month's EpicPals board and Bitmoji Classroom are now posted on the EpicPals tab! Click here to access these downloads

This year's EpicPals will run the same as it has in the past with just a few small tweaks. This year, just like last, all posts will be moderated for student safety. Please see information below about posting. The other change this year is that there will only be one #EpicPals document created each month with 6 titles each month. The titles chosen each month will be appropriate for 1st through 3rd graders depending upon their reading ability and will always include at one or two read-to-me books so that everyone in your class can participate successfully on some level. I'm also working to incorporate English and Spanish titles when I can.  You'll also find the Epic collection linked at the bottom of the Google Doc. I hope this will make getting the collection out to our students easier.  
Happy Reading Everyone!!!

** Important Information re: Student Posts ~ Please read **

Teachers, please chat with your students about posting responsibly. Please know that ALL posts are moderated. This means your students will not see their posts until I have approved them. Please also know that posts with inappropriate language, .gifs, and links will be deleted.

As always, please encourage your students to read and learn from other students' posts. If they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

πŸ’˜ Falling in Love with EpicPals~ February πŸ’˜

Hi all! I want to start by saying that I'm sorry that this month's EpicPals board is up late. I got the devastating news that my father was terminally ill a few weeks back and took time away from school to be with him and my family. I'm working to get back on top things including EpicPals, the upcoming St. Patrick's Day Graphing Project, and my weekly newsletter, which you can find here.  

*~ N E W ~*        *~N E W ~*        *~N E W~*

In an effort to try and keep things simple(and fun!) for our youngest learners, especially in a time when so many of us are teaching virtually, I've created a Bitjmoji classroom that will link your students to the Padlet boards by simply clicking on the book cover. You'll find the link to this new feature on the bottom of the EpicPals Google Doc! Simply share the link with your students in Seesaw, Google Classroom or in an email and it will open on the web (full screen and without ads)!

This month's EpicPals board and Bitmoji Classroom are now posted on the EpicPals tab! Click here to access these downloads

This year's EpicPals will run the same as it has in the past with just a few small tweaks. This year, just like last, all posts will be moderated for student safety. Please see information below about posting. The other change this year is that there will only be one #EpicPals document created each month with 6 titles each month. The titles chosen each month will be appropriate for 1st through 3rd graders depending upon their reading ability and will always include at one or two read-to-me books so that everyone in your class can participate successfully on some level. I'm also working to incorporate English and Spanish titles when I can.  You'll also find the Epic collection linked at the bottom of the Google Doc. I hope this will make getting the collection out to our students easier.  
Happy Reading Everyone!!!

** Important Information re: Student Posts ~ Please read **

Teachers, please chat with your students about posting responsibly. Please know that ALL posts are moderated. This means your students will not see their posts until I have approved them. Please also know that posts with inappropriate language, .gifs, and links will be deleted.

As always, please encourage your students to read and learn from other students' posts. If they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Malchow's Tech Bytes~ Jan 4th, 2021

Click the image above to access the links and view the deck in a larger format

Ring in the New Year with EpicPals! 🎩 πŸŽ‰


*~ N E W ~*        *~N E W ~*        *~N E W~*
In an effort to try and keep things simple for our youngest learners, especially in a time when so many of us are teaching virtually, I've created a Bitjmoji classroom that will link your students to the Padlet boards by simply clicking on the book cover. You'll find the link to this new feature on the bottom of the EpicPals Google Doc! Simply share the link with your students in Seesaw, Google Classroom or in an email and it will open on the web (full screen and without ads)!

This month's EpicPals board and Bitmoji Classroom are now posted on the EpicPals tab! Click here to access these downloads

This year's EpicPals will run the same as it has in the past with just a few small tweaks. This year, just like last, all posts will be moderated for student safety. Please see information below about posting. The other change this year is that there will only be one #EpicPals document created each month with 6 titles each month. The titles chosen each month will be appropriate for 1st through 3rd graders depending upon their reading ability and will always include at one or two read-to-me books so that everyone in your class can participate successfully on some level. I'm also working to incorporate English and Spanish titles when I can.  You'll also find the Epic collection linked at the bottom of the Google Doc. I hope this will make getting the collection out to our students easier.  
Happy Reading Everyone!!!

** Important Information re: Student Posts ~ Please read **

Teachers, please chat with your students about posting responsibly. Please know that ALL posts are moderated. This means your students will not see their posts until I have approved them. Please also know that posts with inappropriate language, .gifs, and links will be deleted.

As always, please encourage your students to read and learn from other students' posts. If they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback.