2018? Seriously?!
As I sit here reflecting on the past 365 days, I wish I could say that I even had an inkling of where this past year has gone. It's been a year of many ups and downs- the true epitomy of balance I guess.
Last year's word was balance which is something I need to continue to work on. My family may disagree with me, but I truly feel that I have made progress in this area. Although I spend far too much time on my iPad and computer (it's a major part of what I do, a passion, and a connecting point for friends near and far) I feel that I've spent more time with my family over the past 365 days- not just physically, but truly engaged with what's going on around me. This past summer was by far the
best summer I've had in years. Although my brain is always thinking school, I was able to disconnect from work and enjoy mountain biking and kayaking with my family at our cabin. I found that I really enjoy the tranquility of kayaking and although my phone was with me, it was solely for taking pictures!
I also traveled to Houston to take part in the Apple Distinguished Educator Academy where I was able to meet Twitter friends face to face, people who I now consider some of my closest friends, despite the miles that separate us. This was such a positive experience on so many levels and one which I will cherish for years to come.
Putting a year behind my belt in my new position has given me peace of mind. Switching positions was a positive move and was a major factor in helping me
achieve to begin achieving, the balance I was looking for. I was nervous about leaving the classroom and missing the connections I had with students and families, in fact, it was quite an agonizing decision. Although the connections aren't as deep as when you have your own classroom, they are still there and they continue to grow as students and teachers get to know me better.
So... where do I go from here? I'm the first to admit that I need to continue to work on balance, however, I think this is something I will ALWAYS have to work on, so I'm moving on to my 2018 goal while continuing to keep balance on the front burner.
So here it is.... my #oneword2018
Picture taken by me with my iPhone at South Beach, Miami~ ADE2015 |
This year, I need to work on believing.
I need to believe in myself.
I need to believe in my dreams.
I need to believe that I can achieve balance (see how I worked that in so it's still on the front burner?).
I need to believe in the decisions I make.
I need to believe that I am just as worthy as everyone else.
At ADE Academy we were told.... "You deserve to be here."~ I need to believe that.
So with that said, I BELIEVE! I believe that God has a plan for me and it is all in His time. I believe that I need to put my faith in Him, stop selling myself short, and start putting my health and my family first. Life is too short to sit back and always wonder if you can do it better, faster or if you should have done it different. Live life to its fullest and cherish every day!!