So without further a do.... from the 2014 archives......
I love appsmashing! This year for our 100th day of school we used 2 apps to help us publish our writing, Chatterpix and Aging Booth.
We then imported our pictures into the Chatterpix app. This app allows you to use any photo, then draw a line to make a mouth and then record your voice. You also have the option to add stickers, text, and frames to your photos as well as adding filtering effects (black and white, sepia, etc). I use the regular version of Chatterpix so that I have the option of sharing our projects via email. They also have a kids version, Chatterpix Kids, that does not have the sharing options. This is a very simple app to use and the kids were able to easily import their picture and record their story.
When we were finished with our project, we emailed them to our parents but also printed out our pictures from the Aging Booth app and displayed them in the hallway along with our writing for our parents and others to also enjoy during parent teacher conferences.
2017 Update:
After students have created their ChatterPix projects, have them upload them into Seesaw as an easy way to share out with parents! Remember that you can also easily share your creations from Seesaw out to Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest simply by touching the 3 dots under your item. The best part is, when your item is shared, it removed the identifying information including the child's icon/name and any comments that have been made.
If you're interested in the paper we used for this project and a banner that you can use to display these in the hallway, you can find them in my TPT store.
Also, don't forget about our 2nd Annual 100th Day Collaborative Padlet board. Come join the fun!

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