I meant to post this idea earlier in the week but ended up with a sinus infection which got the best of me this week. I even missed Dr. Seuss' birthday on Friday as I ended up at the dr. So... this lesson isn't kid-tested yet but hopefully will go over well a couple of days late on Monday. So here's what we are up to...
We are going to start by watching The Cat in the Hat book using the iPad app on the Smartboard by using my VGA cable. We'll then talk about the book and what we would do if Thing 1 and Thing 2 came to our homes.
I found the perfect paper from Mel D's blog, Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations which we will use to write our ideas. (I can't wait to see what the kids come up with) She has a great craftivity to go along with it located on this post all for free.
I'm not planning to do the accompanying craft as we are going to do something a bit different and incorporate a bit of technology by using another iPad app called,

This app has 16 backgrounds to choose from all based on Dr Seuss' artwork. There are several backgrounds from The Cat in the Hat and two in particular of Thing 1 and Thing 2. My kids will pick one of those 2 and then have a friend take their picture which they will insert into the face hole on their background. (You can also use pics from your photo library)
Once they've done this, they can move, rotate, and scale their photo to fit how they want it and then put finishing touches to their picture by adding crazy borders and stamps. Most of the backgrounds also have text on them already, but you can toggle it off like I've done on my sample. (Thing 1 with a mustache...hmm... maybe not!)
Next, each kiddo will save their masterpiece to the photo library (in case of glitches) as well as email it directly to me and their and family. We'll then print off our images and attach them to our stories and display them in the hall.
We may even embed our pics into our KidBlogs as well... we'll see how this part of the project goes first
I forgot to mention that all of the Dr. Suess apps listed above and many more are on sale this week in honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday
This project turned out well. Kids enjoyed it, their ideas were a bit zany, and their "Thing" pics turned out adorable!