Sunday, February 20, 2011

Harvey's Homepage

SMARTboard users that teach math will LOVE this site!

For those of you who have SMARTboards, this is definitely a site that you will want to check out.

This is a site that is chuck full of math lessons for the SMARTboard. My personal favorite is The Function Man file. For those of you that teach Everyday Math this file is a wonderful resource. I know that the function machine is used in both 1st and 2nd grade. The best part about this file is that Harvey Almarode, the author, also explains how to make your own using the trickery involved in the file. My kiddos went absolutely crazy for this lesson and were in total awe trying to figure out "the magic". Needless to say, they really paid attention and picked up on the concept fairly well.
3rd grade EM teachers, you'll love that he has a lattice method multiplication file!!!

 There are lessons in 7 areas on his website: 

  1. number sense
  2. computation estimation 
  3. Patterns, algebra, and functions
  4. geometry
  5. measurement
  6. probability, statistics
  7. Utilities
The utilities section has files on creating your own spinners, jeopardy games, and pre-done manipulatives. 
All of his files are creative and engaging, and best yet- FREE!

One thing to note regarding this site- it loads extremely slowly in Internet Explorer. I use Google Chrome without any issues. The website itself recommends using Firefox.

Have fun exploring!


  1. I am SO jealous of teachers that have SmartBoards. I would LOVE to have one!


  2. Thank you so much for this resource! I can't wait to try it tomorrow. Yeah!!!


  3. Thanks Sara for posting information about my web page. It makes my day that teachers and especially the students are enjoying the lessons. I have completely revamped my webpage and added some additional lessons so check it out.
    Keep up your great work and have fun with your students.
