
Tips & Tricks

MacBook Tips:
Have you switched over to a MacBook? Check the district technology support page for specific info, tips n tricks and how-to cheat sheets.

MacBook Shortcuts:

Thanks to Karly Moura for this resource. Click here to open file

Smartboard Orientation Issues?

Trouble with your board not being oriented? Tried the regular 9 point alignment? Fine tune your orientation with a 20 point orientation. Follow the directions below.
Click on image to enlarge

Create an email directory for your students or parents

Click here to access a How To document for creating your own parent and/or student email directory from Skyward.

How to Install a Shared Calendar (iPad cart, Chromebooks,etc)

If you need to use the Chromebook carts or the library classroom, PLEASE sign up on the appropriate shared calendar. If you are not seeing the calendars that you need, click on the image above to access the School Resource Calendars. You will also find the directions (circled in yellow above) on how to add the calendars. It is super easy once you're on this page. If you need help, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm more than happy to walk you through it. 

AirDrop Directions

Click image to enlarge

Add Class code to Seesaw

Black Screen on PC?

Having trouble with your screen going black after docking/ redocking? Click the Windows and P key.  Click on duplicate. You will need your Smartboard on to see what is on your screen

Need to Install an iPevo Camera on PC?
Click on image to enlarge