
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Creating Choice Boards

Remote learning brings with it lots of challenges including how to get content to students in an easy format and on one platform if possible. When I started creating choice boards it was simply to give students choice, but with the new learning landscape that we are all in, they've helped to solve other problems- getting info out that:

  • is in an easy to use format 
  • provides easy to access links to multiple resources 
  • parents can easily help their child with AND...
  • located on one platform (Seesaw for our K-5 kiddos)

If you're looking to find a way to conquer any or all of the issues above, you may want to try creating one! It's easier than you may think! The video below will walk you through the basics so you'll be able to confidently create your own that can align with your grade level content.

Want to see a few examples? Click here or here to see two different ones that I created. Feel free to download and use if you'd like. 

Have fun!!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Remote Learning~ Learn to Code Choice Board

Here's another Choice Board that your students may enjoy during your school's remote learning timeframe. You'll find a Dr. Seuss choice board that I created in this post

The top row of this choice board would be appropriate for the primary grades while the remainder of the board will likely be more appropriate for the upper grades and students that have an interest in coding. 

**Please Note: The CS First sites (Create a Google Logo, Animate a Name, Code your Superhero) require students to enter a code to access. To get a code, you need to set up a free account. It's super easy & takes less than 5 minutes (I promise!). Once it's set up, your students will simply  enter your code. There's nothing more you will need to do unless you want to track their progress on the dashboard. I've included a video below to show you how to set up your acct.
Click image to access and download this file

For the links to be live, the board which is saved as a pdf, needs to be uploaded as a file, NOT as a link in Seesaw. You'll need to download the file first (click the image to access the file and download) then, watch the embedded video below for directions on how to make it work in Seesaw.

** Please know that sharing settings for all documents are set to Open by Anyone with the Link. **
If you are being asked to request access, please check with you IT department 
as the message below is what I get when trying trying to give you access.

Remote Learning, Choice Boards and Seesaw

With so many of us moving to remote learning, you many find yourself in the position of needing to offer your students choice in a different format. Choice boards if you've not heard of them are graphic organizers that are comprised of different squares, each with a different activity. Each activity helps students to learn or practice a concept while allowing choice. You can ask your students to complete 1 or several of the activities and they can complete them in an organized fashion or in random order. I guess there's a reason that they're call choice boards! 
Here is a choice board that I created for Read Across America week that may be a useful extra in our new, ever-changing learning landscape. These are great when uploaded to Seesaw.
For the links to be live, the board which is saved as a pdf, needs to be uploaded as a file, NOT as a link. You'll need to download this file first (click the image to access the file) Nexrt, watch the embedded video below for directions on how to make it work in Seesaw.

Click the image to download a copy of this board.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

A wee bit of fun with March's Epic Pals!

The March EpicPals collections are ready and waiting for you. 
(Please see important note below re: student posts)

** Important Information re: Student Posts ~ Please read **
Teachers, please chat with your students about posting responsibly. We've had several issues recently of what we think are 3-4 students that are leaving inappropriate content in their posts. Due to these issues, Bobbi and I are now fully moderating ALL posts and will deleting ALL posts with inappropriate language, .gifs, and links.  This means your students will not see their posts until we have approved them. We're sorry that the actions of a few have ruined it for many. 

As always, please encourage your students to read others' posts and if they like their post, have them click on the heart at the bottom of the sticky note or leave a comment if comments are turned on. Being reflective and having an authentic reason to like something is a great first step towards leaving meaningful and authentic feedback. 


New to EpicPals? Head over to the #EpicPals page at the top of the blog for additional information to get you started!

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Bobbi or myself. You can find both of us on Twitter- @smalchow (primary boards) and @bhopteacher (intermediate boards)