
Monday, May 28, 2018

😎 Malchow's Tech Bytes ~ May 29th 😎

Hard to believe that another school year is coming to a close!! This week you'll find the final edition of this year's Tech Bytes newsletter. Thank you to all that have supported me in this endeavor and who have provided feedback along the way. This "project" has certainly become a labor of love and one that has helped me grow as a connected educator in addition to increasing my bag of tricks, tips and resources as well.
Have a wonderful summer everyone and if you happen to be going to ISTE- let me know!
Malchow's Tech Bytes~ May 29th, 2018

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Malchow's Tech Bytes~ May 21st 💻

This week's Tech Bytes includes some newly released BreakoutEdu games for the end-of-the-year. I've also included 4 of my favorite Chrome Extensions. These are just a few of my favorites, so stay tuned next year to see what other goodies there are waiting for you.
On a side note, next week will be the last installment of Tech Bytes for this school year.
Tech Bytes~ Vol 34 ~ May 21-25

Sunday, May 13, 2018

💻 Malchow's Tech Bytes~ May 14th 💻

Malchow's Tech Bytes, Vol 33 ~ May 14
This week's newsletter has several end-of-the-year resources for those of you that are nearing the end of the year. We still have several weeks left so you'll find a few more end of the year activities scattered over the next couple of newsletters.
Click on the image below to access this week's Tech Bytes newsletter. Remember that all items that have a pointing finger image are clickable. 

Saturday, May 5, 2018

☀️ Malchow's Tech Bytes~ Vol 32 ☀️

I think Spring has finally sprung here in Wisconsin! Hard to believe we had 3 feet of new snow just 3 weeks ago and the past few days have now been in the 70s, sunny and gorgeous....and... the snow is finally gone! The weather has definitely been interesting to say the least. Speaking of weather, there's a great resource this week from Tim Brice at NOAA- be sure to take a peek and provide your students with a fantastic collaboration opportunity!!!

Malchow's Tech Bytes~ Volume 32~ May 7th

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