
Sunday, January 8, 2017

From the Archives- SafeShareTV

I originally wrote this post back in 2013 but it is just as pertinent today as it was then. So if you're looking for a way to cut out the junk that your students are subjected to when you show a YouTube video.... Read on.......


Have you heard of is a website that allows you to view YouTube videos without displaying the related videos and associated comments. This has been a god-send when showing videos in my classroom.

Using is beyond simple! All you need to do is copy the url of a YouTube video and paste it into

It then creates a url like this one:

The final product looks like this. I have been embedding these video links into my smartboard documents and it works fabulously. Lots easier and lots less time consuming the the old FLV way that I blogged about in years past. 

I hope that you'll try it out for yourself and see how easy and useful it can be for your class.


~ 2017 update ~

When I create QR codes for students to accessYouTube videos for flipped learning or Daily 5 Listen to Reading stories, I will send the video through SafeShare first and then create my QR code from that address which give me some added comfort that my students are not being exposed to questionable content. 

This also worked well for me when I created an AdobeSpark video as an intro for my recent BreakoutEdu. I first uploaded the video to YouTube. Then I placed a screenshot of the intro slide into my Google Slide deck and then hyperlinked the SafeShare link to that image (you can only embed YouTube videos into Google Slides so this is an easy work around)

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