
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month and is again offering many of their iPhone/iPad apps for FREE during the entire month of April. These are fantastic apps that use Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) to teach academic, language, and communication skills to children with special needs or developmental delays. These apps are not just for children with special needs; they have also been successfully used with typical children of all ages and populations. I have personally used some of these apps with my son and had great success with them. Thank you for your generosity and for all of your great apps!

The free apps include:
Another great resource is  the Technology in (SPL) Education Facebook page. This website collects and distributes tools, hardware, and applications available for the enhancement off technology in education with a special emphasis on Special Education. This has been a great site to watch for price drops and apps gone free over the past few days.
Yesterday for example in honor of World Autism Awareness Day, I was able to get the normally priced $49 Autism Track app for FREE. AWESOME! I am excited to learn how to use it and collaborate with my spec. ed. teacher in using it in our classroom next year!

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