
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Global Read Aloud Project

I  found out about the Global Read Aloud project today on Erin Klein's blog, Kleinspiration.
Here's what she had to say....

"The second annual Global Read Aloud is starting September 19th, 2011!  You won't want to miss out.

Classrooms around the world  working in international 'book clubs' to discuss what they are reading.  The project will run for four weeks.

 This year's selected books are Flat Stanley Books by Jeff Bown for younger students and Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt for older students.

 Collaborative efforts can be as simple or as multifaceted as you choose.  Some classes will be connecting electronically through Edmodo, Skype, classroom blogging pages, as well as an international wiki.  Other classes may select a more 'Flat Stanley' approach and use handwritten mail.

The options are endless. What an authentic and exciting experience for your students this fall!

To sign-up for this year's Read Aloud check out  and for more ideas and making connections

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. I love Flat Stanley. Haven't read it in awhile. :) I am going to look into this.

    Just 4 Teachers: Sharing Across Borders
